Archives for posts with tag: kansas city myers cocktail

We don’t really look for excuses to indulge on Thanksgiving, but if you’re in need of one, we’ve got a few!  Read on to find out how your favorite Thanksgiving foods help prime your body for optimal health.


Get your vitamin fix at Thanksgiving Dinner!


Turkey is a great source important minerals like iron, zinc, potassium and phosphorus, all of which help your cells do their jobs.   You also get B-vitamins, which help regulate chemical reactions in your body.  Turkey is also a fantastic source of protein, which your body uses to build new cells and carry out basic functions.


Pumpkin is a wonderful way to get a healthy dose of Vitamin A, which helps your eyesight, boosts your immune system, and keeps your skin healthy.  Pumpkin also has carotenoids, a powerful form of antioxidants, which help fight cancer.  They’re also a great source of fiber, potassium and Vitamin C, so feel free to go back for that second slice of pumpkin pie!


Cranberries also give you a nice dose of Vitamin C (a.k.a. the body’s building block), and they are second only to blueberries when it comes to cancer-fighting antioxidants.  They’re also a great source of fiber, which gives you the perfect excuse to go back for seconds of cranberry sauce.


We’re from the school of thought that you can never have too many potatoes at Thanksgiving.  Whether you like them mashed, smashed, scalloped or twice-baked, these humble tubers contain a bevy of vitamins and minerals like Vitamins C, B, potassium, magnesium and iron.  They’re especially rich in Vitamin B6, which aids cellular renewal, keeps your nervous system healthy, and keeps your mood balanced — especially helpful if you’re hosting Thanksgiving this year!

Potatoes also contain unique blood-pressure-lowering molecules called kukoamines, and potato skin houses heart-protective flavonoids.  Just the excuse we needed to have a helping or two of each type of potato this Thanksgiving!

Get Your Vitamins and Minerals Year-Round at Infusion Express

While we take great pleasure in indulging in a large Thanksgiving meal (or two) every November, our waistlines wouldn’t appreciate eating so much food — even with its health benefits — all the time.  Luckily, we can get our vitamins and minerals with fewer calories all throughout the year.

Whether you’re dealing with a chronic illness, searching for more energy, or looking to boost your immune system with a Myers’ Cocktail, we’re thankful we’ve found  a way to make IV therapy a convenient and enjoyable experience for our patients.  You can reach our Lee’s Summit office at 816-272-0174 or our Overland Park office at 913-948-2020.  We look forward to helping you live a healthier, more satisfying life!

It may be cold and flu season, but you don’t have to give in without a fight.  Here are a few tips to keep you and your family healthy this winter.

healthy winter family, photo courtesy of D Sharon Pruitt

These tips can help keep you and your family healthy this winter.

#1: Make Hand Washing a Habit

Your No. 1 defense against illness any time of the year is washing your hands.  For maximum effectiveness, you need to work up a lather and wash for at least 30 seconds with hot (but not scalding) water.  Teach your kiddos to wash underneath their fingernails and in between their fingers, too.  Make it a family habit to wash hands before eating meals, and emphasize the importance of washing hands after using the restroom, too.

#2: Bundle Up and Get Outside

Even if you don’t suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder, you and your kids can still benefit from getting off the couch and getting outside.  If it’s cold, just bundle up in coats, scarves, hats and gloves.  The Vitamin D is great for your health, and the sunlight is a perfect boost for your mood.

#3: Stay Hydrated

Your body needs water, plain and simple.  Your cells need H20 to carry out basic functions and rid themselves of toxins.  Dehydration weakens your immune system, so make it a priority to drink plenty of water throughout the day.  A good rule of thumb is half your weight in ounces; though the old adage of 8 cups of water a day is a good place to start.

#4: Get Your Vitamins

Giving your body the tools it needs to fight off the viruses and bacteria swarming schools and offices is key to avoiding illness. We’ve talked about the benefits of Vitamin C, the B Vitamins and Calcium, but other vitamins like Zinc and Vitamin D can play a huge role in keeping you healthy during the winter.  The best way to get your daily vitamins is through a healthy diet of leafy greens, colorful fruits and vegetables, and lean proteins, but you might also consider taking a high-quality, all-natural multi-vitamin.

Vitamin Infusion at Infusion Express

If you’re immune system has taken a hit, it may be time to consider a Myer’s Cocktail.  This intravenous cocktail of hydration and vitamins can get your body back on track, and the best place to get it is at Infusion Express.

We offer IV infusion therapy services for both health conditions and wellness in a setting that makes receiving IV therapy pleasant.  Relax in a private room and enjoy our HDTVs, eReaders and iPads.  And because we offer scheduled appointments — including evenings and weekends — you won’t spend your valuable time waiting for treatment.  If you’re ready to experience a different kind of IV therapy, give us a call at 816-272-0174, or visit us on facebook or twitter!

Fall is one of our favorite seasons here at Infusion Express, and one of our favorite things about the season is Oktoberfest celebrations!  Here are some of the seasonal beers we’ve been enjoying this year.

beers by ivoutin

Here are our favorite fall beers at Infusion Express

Bob’s ’47 Oktoberfest – Boulevard Brewing Company

As a fellow Kansas City business, we have to start off with a local fave — Bob’s ’47 Oktoberfest.  It’s Boulevard’s fall seasonal beer, and it’s a Munich-style lager.  Perfect for relaxing on a crisp October evening.

Leinenkugel’s Oktoberfest – Jacob Leinenkugel Brewing Company

We’re big fans of Leinenkugel’s Berry Weiss all year round, but this is a nice switch for the fall season.  Its’ easy to drink and has a sweet finish, which makes it a good choice for folks who don’t typically take to beer.

Blue Moon Harvest Moon Pumpkin Ale – Coors Brewing Company

Nothing gets us in the mood for fall festivities quite like a pumpkin ale, so we’re always happy to see Harvest Moon hit the shelves.  We love this beer for Halloween- and Oktoberfest-themed parties — though we’ve been known to sneak one on weeknights, too!

The Myers’ Cocktail — Good All Year Round

While it’s not a beer, our Myers’ Cocktail is sure to help you feel your best at any time of the year.  Whether you’ve been to too many Oktoberfest celebrations in a row or just need an immune system boost, a Myers’ Cocktail from Infusion Express is just what you need to get you on the road to recovery.

Infusion Express on Both Sides of the State Line

Now with two convenient locations in both Overland Park and Lee’s Summit, Infusion Express is here to meet your IV therapy needs.

We offer our IV infusion therapy services in a pleasant setting so you can actually enjoy the time spent during your treatment.  Relax in a private room and enjoy our HDTVs, eReaders and iPads.  And because we offer scheduled appointments — including evenings and weekends — you won’t spend your valuable time waiting for treatment.  If you’re ready to experience a different kind of IV therapy, give us a call at our Lee’s Summit location at 816-272-0174 or our Overland Park office at 913-948-2020, or visit us on facebook or twitter!

With the onset of fall comes a lot of lovely things — colorful leaves, crackling fireplaces and hot cider.  But with fall also comes flu season, which will last all the way ’til spring.  Read on to find out how to protect yourself this season.

Fight the Flu at Infusion Express

IV therapy at Infusion Express can help you boost your immune system to fight off the flu.

Consider a Flu Shot

The Centers for Disease Control recommend the flu vaccine for everyone 6 months and older, including pregnant and breastfeeding women.  The flu vaccine, which is available in both a weakened live virus nasal mist and standard inactivated virus shot, protects against the three main flu strains of the season.  Getting the flu shot early will protect you through the entirety of the season.  Talk with your health care provider about whether the flu shot is right for you.

Keep Your Environment Healthy

Simply staying away from sick people and engaging in standard hygienic behaviors can go a long way to preventing the flu.  Wash your hands with hot, soapy water throughout the day, and avoid being near others who are suffering from the flu or a cold.  On the flip side, if you do get sick, do your friends and coworkers a favor and stay home and rest — you’ll recover faster and keep others from getting sick.

Boost Your Immune System

One of the most effective ways to boost your immune system is to eat a balanced diet full of vitamins and nutrients.  Giving your body the tools it needs to defend itself is key to preventing the flu.

If you feel like your immune system could use a bigger boost, you could even consider a Myers’ Cocktail or hydration therapy at Infusion Express.  These treatments offer the building blocks your body needs to build a healthy immune system in the quickest way possible — directly to the bloodstream where your body can put them to work.

IV Therapy at Infusion Express

IV therapy can promise better health and improved quality of life, but at Infusion Express we take it a step further.  We want you to enjoy the time you spend receiving your IV infusion.

At Infusion Express, you’ll experience zero wait time and a private room for your treatment.  While you receive it, you can watch HDTV, play games on our iPads, read a book on our eReaders, or simply relax (or even nap) in one of our comfortable reclining seats.

If you’re ready to start feeling better ASAP, give us a call at our Lee’s Summit location at 816-272-0174 or our Overland Park office at 913-948-2020, and be sure to check us out on facebook or twitter!

pirate with booty

Arrrr! If only t’ booty had been full o’ oranges, we might’ve escaped Davy Jones’ Locker!

Ahoy, ye scurvy dogs!  It may be International Talk Like a Pirate Day, but scurvy is no laughing matter.  Luckily, it’s not a common diagnosis these days thanks to the abundance of sources of Vitamin C.  Read on to find out more about what Vitamin C does for your body and why you need it.

Vitamin C: The Body’s Building Block

Vitamin C plays a vital role in creating the structural material for just about every important part of your body — bone, skin, blood vessels and other tissues.

Without it, you’re susceptible to the breakdown of those parts — gum inflammation, dry or scaly skin, joint pain and even nosebleeds — symptoms that together are commonly known as scurvy.

More Benefits of Vitamin C

In addition to our body’s basic needs for Vitamin C, we benefit in other ways, too.

Reduced Risk of Cancer

Studies have shown that eating foods rich in Vitamin C, which is a potent antioxidant, reduce the risk of cancers, especially of the mouth and digestive tract.

Antibacterial Function

Vitamin C is naturally antibacterial.  Because of this, people with high blood levels of Vitamin C are less likely to have ulcers caused by H. Pylori.

Improved Circulatory System Function

A 2003 study by the Children’s Hospital in Boston reported that women with the highest intake of Vitamin C had the lowest risk of heart disease over a 16-year period.  Similarly, a 2004 University of Oslo study reported that volunteers on a high Vitamin-C diet had lower levels of triglycerides and a higher level of healthy platelets that were less likely to clump and form blood clots.

Get Your Vitamin C Fix at Infusion Express

Vitamin C is part of our Myers’ Cocktail here at Infusion Express.  Whether you’re recovering from or preparing for a sporting event, looking for an energy boost, or looking to strengthen your immune system, a Myers’ Cocktail at Infusion Express can be a game-changing part of your wellness regimen.

We offer our IV infusion therapy services in a pleasant setting so you can actually enjoy the time spent during your treatment.  Relax in a private room and enjoy our HDTVs, eReaders and iPads.  And because we offer scheduled appointments — including evenings and weekends — you won’t spend your valuable time waiting for treatment.  If you’re ready to experience a different kind of IV therapy, give us a call at 816-272-0174 in Lee’s Summit or 913-948-2020 in Overland Park, or visit us on facebook or twitter!

Get Healthy Bones with a Myers' Cocktail at Infusion Express

At Infusion Express, we can help make your bones strong with a Myers’ Cocktail.

Last month we profiled B-vitamins, one of the ingredients in our Myers’ Cocktail.  This month, we’re going to tell you all about calcium.

Calcium — The Glue of Good Health

You probably know that calcium promotes health bones, but you may have wondered what exactly that means.  Calcium acts as glue for bone cells, essentially working to hold them together and make them sturdy.  The more calcium you got during childhood, the stronger your bones are now.

Why You Need Calcium Now

Calcium isn’t just important when you’re a kid, though.  You can continue building bone strength and — just as important — prevent osteoporosis in later years.  There are other times in your life when you might need even more calcium than usual, like during pregnancy and while breastfeeding or while recovering from injuries.

What a Myers’ Cocktail Can Do For You

Making efforts to improve your bone strength in your 20s and 30s is your best bet to preventing problems in your 50s.  But what if you’re already there?  What can you do?  How about a Myers’ Cocktail?

One of the reasons bone strength decreases in your 50s is that the intestines absorb less calcium, which makes the intravenous calcium in a Myers’ Cocktail an excellent way to get calcium directly where it needs to go.

The Other Benefits of Calcium

If bone health were all that calcium did for you, that would be enough!  But calcium also helps with muscle and nerve function as well as healthy tooth enamel.  Making sure you’re getting enough will help keep you in optimal shape, and a Myers’ Cocktail is one way to do that.

Get Your Myers’ Cocktail at Infusion Express

We offer IV infusion therapy services for both health conditions and wellness in a setting that makes receiving IV therapy pleasant.  Relax in a private room and enjoy our HDTVs, eReaders and iPads.  And because we offer scheduled appointments — including evenings and weekends — you won’t spend your valuable time waiting for treatment.  If you’re ready to experience a different kind of IV therapy, give us a call at 816-272-0174, or visit us on facebook or twitter!

Vitamin B Complex @ Infusion ExpressIf your 4th of July celebration has left you feeling less than your best, you may be thinking about trying a Myers’ Cocktail.  One of the main ingredients that helps you feel better is Vitamin B Complex.  Read on to find out more about the Vitamin B family and why your body needs it.

Vitamin B Complex — Essential Nutrients for a Healthy Mind & Body

B vitamins are essential for your body to grow new cells, and they have a starring role in regulating the chemical reactions in your body.  Each B vitamin has a slightly different purpose.

Vitamin B1 & B2

a.k.a thiamin and riboflavin

These two vitamins help the body make energy and help enzymes that work on the muscles, nerves and heart.

Vitamin B3

a.k.a niacin

This one helps produce energy for your body’s cells and also helps keep your skin, nervous system and digestive system healthy.

Vitamin B5

a.k.a pantothenic acid

This B vitamin is important for normal growth and development.

Vitamin B7

a.k.a pyridoxine

B7 helps your body break down protein while also keeping your red blood cells, nervous and immune systems healthy and high-funtioning.

Vitamin B9

a.k.a folic acid or folate

You hear about this one all the time in relation to pregnancy, but it’s important for non-pregnant women, too, as well as men.  It helps the body make and maintain DNA and helps make red blood cells.

Vitamin B12

a.k.a cobalamin

Lastly, B12 helps produce blood cells, helps your nervous system function properly, and helps your body effectively use folic acid and carbohydrates.

Get Your Vitamin B Fix at Infusion Express

Without the Vitamin B family working for your body — or with too little of it — you’re at risk for a variety of problems, from simple fatigue and muscle cramps to serious conditions like anemia, depression, and nerve problems.  Luckily, Infusion Express can help.

We offer IV infusion therapy services for both health conditions and wellness in a setting that makes receiving IV therapy pleasant.  Relax in a private room and enjoy our HDTVs, eReaders and iPads.  And because we offer scheduled appointments — including evenings and weekends — you won’t spend your valuable time waiting for treatment.  If you’re ready to experience a different kind of IV therapy, give us a call at 816-272-0174, or visit us on facebook or twitter!

Did you know there’s a quickly administered and fast-working treatment for conditions ranging from migraines and fatigue, depression and anxiety to chronic pain, asthma and seasonal allergies?

Skip the pills – come in for an infusion.

Try a Myers’ Cocktail

This near cure-all is known as the Myers’ Cocktail.  It’s an intravenous infusion of vitamins and minerals designed to help your body operate at optimum levels. Did we mention there’s a special hangover formula?

What’s in a Myers’ Cocktail?

A Myers’ Cocktail includes magnesium, calcium, selenium, B vitamins, vitamin C and more — many of the same ingredients you’d find in your daily multivitamin.  The difference is that, because a Myers’ Cocktail is an IV treatment, you get more of the vitamins and minerals into your system faster, and your body is better able to use more of them.

Is a Myers’ Cocktail safe?

Absolutely!  These are common and necessary vitamins and minerals that your body needs to operate efficiently.  The most common side effects from the Myers’ Cocktail are a slight flush in the chest, face or legs (due to increased blood flow, which is a good thing!) and a slight metallic taste due to minerals passing through the circulatory system of the palate. Don’t worry – it won’t last long.

Who would benefit from a Myers’ Cocktail?

The great thing about the Myers’ Cocktail is that so many different people can benefit from it.  Whether your a harried and stressed out parent, a corporate executive under a lot of pressure, or a student dealing with a huge load of school work or finals week, anyone whose immune system needs a boost can benefit.

Have we mentioned celebrities dig these too?

The treatment is pretty quick and it can help anyone with any of the following conditions:

  • Asthma
  • Migraines and headaches
  • Seasonal allergies
  • Common cold or other viral infections
  • Chronic pain
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Muscle spasms
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Eczema
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Narcotic withdrawal

The Myers’ Cocktail at Infusion Express

The promise of better health and quality of life is what the Myers’ Cocktail offers, but at Infusion Express we take it a step further.  We want you to enjoy the time you spend receiving your IV infusion.

At Infusion Express, you’ll experience little to no wait time and comfortable area for your treatment.  While you receive it, you can watch HDTV, play games on our iPads, read a book on our eReaders, or even schedule a yoga session or massage in conjunction with your treatment. Our spa-like clinic offers everything you need to relax.

If you’re ready to start feeling better ASAP, give us a call at 816-272-0174, or visit us on facebook or twitter!